Digital injection attacks pose a highly sophisticated and growing threat to the security of biometric systems. From authentication on mobile devices...
ID verification and Biometrics Industry
Articles exploring ID verification industry and business trends about KYC / AML compliance, electronic signature through biometric signature and multi-biometric authentication
Key factors for identity verification in online gambling
Nowadays, the use of mobile devices and computer equipment is increasingly focused on finding resources that allow the easy and quick acquisition of...
Remote IDentity Proofing good practices
Over the past decade, we've experienced an unprecedented digital revolution that has brought numerous benefits to both society and the...
Mandatory control of working hours: signing with biometrics
On May 2019, the obligation to set up a time and attendance tracking system came into effect in Spain. In this sense, the control of the employees' hourly register is compulsory...
Spanish ID cards, evolution and meaning of DNI 3.0 fields
We use the NID (National Identity Document) as the main mechanism to identify us before any public organism or authority, we daily take it everywhere inside our wallet and the...
The magic of biometrics
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. This well-known aphorism by Arthur C. Clarke remains a perfect framework for understanding the perception...
What is KYC (Know Your Customer)? and AML (Anti-money Laundering)?
KYC and AML are acronyms for Know Your Customer and Anti-money Laundering and refer to the set of activities that both financial institutions and regulated businesses must...
Resolution to modify identity verification processes in gaming sector
On November 8, 2018, the new Resolution of modification of the user identity verification processes by the General Direction of Organization of the Game (DGOJ) was published in...
VAPT: Cutting-Edge Technologies for the Emerging Digital Identity
Over the last few years, we are witnessing a growing market demand for solutions to Know Your Customer (KYC), both at onboarding as in the update or maintenance of old profiles....
Benefits derived from the biometric authentication
"The Business Case for Biometric Authentication" (Goode Intelligence) emerged in 2018 as a comprehensive research assessing biometric authentication's benefits in key sectors...