The Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media in Germany, “Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz” (KJM), has given a positive assessment of MobbScan, Mobbeel’s Identity Verification solution as a further solution for age verification (AVS concept) in telemedia.
After examining the concept, the KJM came to the conclusion that Mobbeel’s solution is suitable as an age verification method and a complete AVS concept, meeting KJM criteria for ensuring a closed user group for adults pursuant to the Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media (Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag, JMStV).
According to the JMStV, certain content harmful to minors may only be disseminated in telemedia if the provider uses a closed user group to ensure that only adults have access to it. In order to provide legal and planning security, the KJM offers interested companies the opportunity to check whether their concepts for technical youth media protection meet the legal requirements.
In consonance with the KJM’s “AVS Grid”, a face-to-face check is not always required. Instead, identification software can be used, so long as the solution compares the biometric data on the ID with a photograph of the person to be identified.
Conforming to the regulation, industries such as the online gaming and gambling sector or the adult-rated content one have to verify the age of their users in order to prevent access by minors in Germany.
Conforming to the regulation, industries such as the online gaming and gambling sector or the adult-rated content one have to verify the age of their users in order to prevent access by minors in Germany.

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Online gaming is vital in the gambling industry, where biometric verification not only verifies players’ ages and enhances the gaming experience but also fights compulsive and pathological behaviours, keeping its recreational nature.