Technology has entailed a real revolution for organisations and their business models. The upsurge of blockchain, deep learning, QA, and domotics are just some of the technologies transforming processes.
The third edition of Extremadura Digital Day (EDD) comes in the middle of this disruptive context. The EDD is a meeting point for the technology industry in the region, and where Mobbeel will play an essential role as a sponsor of the event.
What is the Extremadura Digital Day?
Extremadura Digital Day is the largest technology event in Extremadura and one of the most high-ranking in southern Spain.
It is famous for being a multidisciplinary meeting where professionals from the Information Technology (ITC) industry meet to talk about the latest developments and success stories in the sector. Professionals and the general public will enjoy three unique spaces related to digital business, technological development, and a maker area.
It is a face-to-face event where 21 leading speakers from companies from inside and outside Extremadura put their knowledge and experience in the hands of the attendees so that they can have a good time.
The last edition brought together hundreds of participants and had a satisfaction and recommendation rate of over 95%.
What is it for?
Entrepreneurs, makers, marketers, engineers, developers, and IT professionals will look to expand their knowledge in innovation and digitisation in the leading tech event in Extremadura.
Besides, the EDD is open to all audiences, especially those who want to discover the latest developments in IT and Industry 4.0 trends.
When and where does this event take place?
The third edition of this event will take place on October 1st, in Cáceres, Extremadura.
This World Heritage City will host 21 speakers and many companies and attendees in the well-known Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre located on National Road 521, KM 41.8.
The programme will be between 8.30 am and 11 pm and will include different activities to unite the entire technology community.
What activities will take place at the EDD?
The EDD has a broad programme full of talks, workshops, networking, and after-work. There will be three different spaces running talks simultaneously.
Thus, the development area will have talks based on experience and focused on product quality or QA, solar activity and solar cycle predictions, the need to simplify workflows using Docker and Kubernetes, the importance of deepfakes, and clearing doubts about hybrid technologies.
In addition, this space will include a talk focusing on Alexa and Google Assistant voice assistants. Joaquin Engelmo Moriche will explain how the “okay Google” works, enabling Ángel Martín’s short news programme to be played.
The makers’ space will focus on robotics, the advantages of using Smart Open Lab for digital manufacturing and new ways of digitising heritage.
The business area activities will be related to existing products and technologies such as NoCOde, Zahoribo, the history of companies such as Homeria, and the spreading of other events such as Ciudad de Dragones de Cáceres.
Don’t you know what a deepfake is? Become an expert with our talk
Deepfakes are a reality in our society that, like many other tools, present lights and shadows.
This technology goes beyond the spreading of fake news by famous personalities and can involve some risks for companies in their KYC processes if it is used as a technique to impersonate customers’ identities.
This topic will be covered in the talk “Deeepfakes: with great power comes great responsibility” by our colleague Angela Barriga, a researcher at Mobbeel´s R+D+i department.
Angela will go deeper into the definition of deepfake, share some use cases with the public and explain how we can protect from technology threats.
If you would like to pass by our stand, and find out our best vacancies and the latest advances in digital identity verification, feel free to write us through our contact form.

I’m a Software Engineer with a passion for Marketing, Communication, and helping companies expand internationally—areas I’m currently focused on as CMO at Mobbeel. I’m a mix of many things, some good, some not so much… perfectly imperfect.