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Certified Technology

Compliant with regulations

In Mobbeel, we are firmly committed to technological excellence and continuous improvement.

Our mission is to drive innovation and consistently enhance our technology to meet and exceed the highest global standards. We adhere rigorously to the strictest regulations, ensuring the security, privacy, and confidentiality of the information we manage.

At Mobbeel, we are dedicated to leading the way toward a safer, more efficient technological future, fully compliant with global standards.

Some of our certifications

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

Our facial recognition technology has been assessed and published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the verification and identification processes: FRVT 1:1 and FRVT 1:N.

These evaluations showcase our ability to accurately identify individuals in digital environments, reinforcing our position as leaders in the field of biometric identification.

Technology approved and included in the Information and Communication Technologies Security Products and Services Catalog (CPSTIC).

This distinction ratifies that MobbScan (digital onboarding) meets the highest security requirements demanded by the National Cryptologic Center (CCN) in the ALTA category of the National Security Scheme (ENS).

Solutions designed to cover what is required as video call and video-identification of Article 21.1.d) of the Regulation of Law 10/2010, of April 28, approved by Royal Decree 304/2014, of May 5 (prevention of money laundering).


NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

ISO 27001 certification related to the implementation, maintenance and improvement of information security management systems.

Compliance with theGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)and other data protection regulations. This allows our solutions to comply with national and international data protection standards.

Compliance Requirements Standard NRP-23 and NRP-24 (Information Security) of the Superintendency of El Salvador.

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

Solutions designed to meet all the requirements set on the Order No. 94/2021 December 2021 by the German Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) regarding identification procedures for prepaid mobile services pursuant to section 172 paragraph 2 sentence 3 Telecommunications Act (TKG 172)

Our identity verification solution that enables remote client onboarding complies with recent EBA guidelines on digital onboarding.

The German Commission for the Protection of Minors on the Internet, “Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz” (KJM), has approved our identity verification technology, as a suitable solution for verifying the age of minors online.


Guía Reconocimiento Facial Cover


Ensure compliance while offering your products and services digitally with a total guarantee.


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Guía eIDAS tipos de firma electrónica Cover

What is voice biometrics?

Discover voice biometrics through our interactive guide and learn how it has advanced thanks to artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

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