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The integration of identity verification solutions within the airline and aviation sector is fundamental to modernising border control processes, ensuring traveller safety, and enhancing the travel experience. Digital identity becomes the passport that enables us to change the way we all travel.

The digital identity of airline passengers

Airports can quickly and accurately verify passengers’ identities, reducing wait times and enhancing the traveler experience.

This innovative tool not only streamlines security control processes but also provides a more personalized and efficient approach to passenger management in the digital age.

In an increasingly interconnected world, digital identity at airports is crucial for providing a safe and seamless environment for global air transportation.

Fly for the face


Have your Id or passport handy.


Complete the registration process by capturing your identity document and facial recognition from a device.


Access your next flight with your face.

Other use cases

Life in the airports

Airports have been built as true metropolises, hosting citizens from every corner of the globe. Despite considering them a commonplace presence in our lives, they’ve only been around for barely a century.

During this period, they have been centers of innovation, particularly excelling in security matters. Now, more than ever, it’s important to keep advancing along this path, ensuring the protection and well-being of all travelers.

Passenger Flow

Bring your airport to the 22nd century and enable passing security checks effortlessly.

Border controls

Ensure through a kiosk that the person entering your country is who they claim to be.

Loyalty card registration 

Provide the necessary tools to complete a contract and sign it.

Access to areas

Allow access to VIP or restricted areas via their face or voice.

Learn all about our latest border control projects at airports across various points in Europe.

Recent Work

When everything is beneficial…

Innovative image

These solutions not only offer many tangible benefits but also enhance the technological image that passengers have of the airport.

Secure borders

We specialize in fraud detection and identity theft prevention, providing total guarantees for airport processes.

Passenger flow optimization

Our technology automates and streamlines processes, reducing passenger congestion at control points.

Your face is your passport

Allow the face to be the document that enables a passenger to facilitate all their procedures within an airport.

Pioneer project in Europe and a worldwide landmark

Aena and Vueling use Mobbeel´s technology to enrol the biometrics of their passengers in one of the pilot projects most important of its rank in the world. It enables one to go through all controls, including baggage check-in, using facial biometrics.  

Download Aena’s success story
dossier verificación de identidad en el sector financiero

Dossier for Airports

Dossier on identity verification in the aviation industry

Airports and companies in the sector already use our technology for passenger identity verification processes, both for passenger flow and border control.

Do you want to know more? Download our dossier!


Guía Reconocimiento Facial Cover

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Facial Recognition Guide

Discover the facial recognition world with this interactive guide that will allow you to understand the ins and outs of a technology that has evolved a lot since its inception.
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