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Legal Notice

 Access, browsing and use of the website (hereinafter, the “Website”) implies knowledge and express and full acceptance of the provisions of this Legal Notice, the terms of which have the same validity and effectiveness as any written and signed contract.

Compliance with the provisions of the Legal Notice shall be enforceable with respect to any person accessing, browsing or using the Website. If you do not agree with the terms set forth, please do not access, browse or use any site of the Website.

By using the Website, the User agrees, therefore, to use the services and contents in accordance with the legislation in force and with this Legal Notice, and acknowledges and accepts that the use of the contents and/or services offered on the Website shall be at his/her sole risk and/or responsibility.


1. Company details

  • Owner: MOBBEEL SOLUTIONS, SLL (hereinafter ” MOBBEEL “) .
  • Registered Office: C/ SANTA CRISTINA, S/N, GARAJE 2.0, OFICINAS 107-109, CÁCERES, 10195, CÁCERES, Spain
  • VAT number: B10395911
  • Business Register data: Volume 828; Page 19; Sheet number: 11439; Registration: 1. Document: 1; Diary 51; Entry: 614
  • E-mail:

2. Purpose and scope

This Legal Notice governs the access, navigation and use of the Website by you, without prejudice to MOBBEEL´s right to modify the presentation, configuration and content of the Website, as well as the conditions required for its access and/or use. Access and/or use of the Website after the entry into force of tis modifications or changes implies acceptance of the same.

The provision of the Website services is limited to the time while the User is connected to the Website or to any of the services provided through it.

MOBBEEL reserves the right to make, at any time and without notice, any amendment or update of the contents of this Legal Notice and, in general, of any elements of the design and configuration of its Website.

For the purposes of the interpretation of this Legal Notice, it is understood that a person becomes a user (hereinafter, “User” or “Users“) at the moment at which he/she accepts this Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy set out on the Website.


3. Services and contents of the website

The Website includes information addressed to the general public about the services offered by MOBBEEL.

MOBBEEL reserves the right to decide at any time the contents shown to the User and may remove them and add new ones at any time. Any change in this regard will be published visibly on the Website, indicating the date of the last update at the bottom of the document. If the User continues using the services provided on the Website, once the Legal Notice has been modified, it will be understood that he/she accepts such modifications. 

4. Intellectual property rights

MOBBEEL owns or, where appropriate, has the corresponding licenses on the rights of exploitation of intellectual property of the Website, as well as intellectual property rights on its information, materials and content, including, but not limited to, source code, designs, navigation structure, images, graphics, music, sound, photographs, videos and written texts in any language, including, also, programming codes.

In no case shall it be understood that access, navigation and use of the Website by the User implies a waiver, transfer, license or assignment, in whole or in part, of any intellectual property rights by MOBBEEL to the User. The User has the right to use the contents and/or services of the Website within a strictly domestic context and solely for the purpose of enjoying the services provided in accordance with this Legal Notice.

References to registered trademarks or trade names, or other distinctive signs, whether owned by MOBBEEL or third parties, imply a prohibition on their use without the consent of MOBBEEL or their legitimate owners. At no time does accessing, browsing or using the Website and/or its contents confer on the User any rights over the distinctive signs included therein, unless otherwise provided for in this Legal Notice.

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents and/or services of the Website are reserved and, in particular, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, transform or distribute, by any means and in any form, all or part of the contents included on the Website, for any purpose, without the prior, express and written authorisation of MOBBEEL or, where applicable, of MOBBEEL´s corresponding rights.

Likewise, it is forbidden to remove or manipulate the copyright indications or other credits that identify the holders of the rights of the contents that the User finds on the Website, as well as the technical protection devices, digital fingerprints, or any protection mechanism or information incorporated into the contents offered on the Website.

In the event that the User sends information or content of any kind to MOBBEEL through any of the channels provided for this purpose, the User declares, guarantees and accepts that he/she has the right to do so freely, that said information does not infringe any intellectual or industrial property rights, trade secrets or any other rights of third parties, and that said information is not confidential or harmful to third parties.

The User acknowledges that he/she assumes responsibility and holds MOBBEEL harmless for any communication or content sent by him/her personally or on his/her behalf.

If the User becomes aware of the existence of any content that is illicit, illegal, contrary to the law or that could involve an infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights, or of any other kind, he/she must notify MOBBEEL immediately via the email address or via the postal address indicated in the first section of this legal notice so that it can proceed to adopt the appropriate measures.

Similarly, in the event that any User or third party considers that any of the contents of the Website owned by MOBBEEL infringes their intellectual or industrial property rights, or any other rights, they must send a communication to or via the postal address indicated in the first section of this legal notice with the following information:

1) Identification data and means of contact of the claimant or his/her legal representative;

2) Documentation accrediting his or her status as the owner of the allegedly infringed rights;

3) Detailed account of the rights allegedly infringed by MOBBEEL, as well as their exact location on the Website;

4) Express declaration by the claimant that the use of the contents has been made without the consent of the holder of the allegedly infringed rights


    5. Links 

    5.1. Links from the website to other websites

    In the event that the Website includes links to other websites through different buttons, links, banners or embedded content, MOBBEEL reports that such other websites may be directly managed by third parties. Therefore, MOBBEEL has no human or technical means to know in advance and/or control and/or approve all information, content, products or services provided by other websites to which links may be established from this Website.

    Consequently, MOBBEEL cannot assume liability for any aspect related to the website to which a link may be established from the Website. This includes, but it is not limited to, its operation, access, data, information, files, the quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and / or any of its contents.

    In this sense, if users have actual knowledge that the activities carried out through these third party websites are illegal or contravene morality and/or public order, they must immediately notify MOBBEEL for the purpose of assessing whether it is necessary to disable the link to access them. Should that be the case, this will be done as soon as possible.

    In any case, the establishment of any type of link from the Website to another external website does not necessarily imply that there is any relationship, collaboration or dependence between MOBBEEL and the responsible of the external website


    5.2. Links from other websites to the website

    MOBBEEL does not authorise the establishment of a link to this Website from other websites that contain materials, information or contents that are unlawful, illegal, degrading, obscene and, in general, that contravene law, morality or public order, or generally accepted social norms.

    MOBBEEL has no power or human and technical means to know, control or approve all information, content, products or services provided by other websites that have established links to this Website. MOBBEEL assumes no responsibility for any aspect related to the websites that establish a link to this Website; specifically, but not limited to, for its operation, access, data, information, files, the quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and / or any of its contents.


    6. Terms of use

    Access to or use of the Website for illegal or unauthorized purposes, with or without economic purpose is prohibited, and, therefore, its consequences shall be the sole responsibility of the User. More specifically, and without limitation, it is prohibited to:

    • Use the Website in any way that may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies or defects in its functionality or in a third party’s computer.
    • Use the Website for the transmission, installation or publication of any viruses, malicious code or other harmful programs or files.
    • Use the Website to collect personal data from other users;
    • Use the Webiste illegally, against good faith, morality and public order;
    • Registering in the Website under a false identity, impersonating third parties or performing any other action that may mislead other users about the identity of the origin of a message.
    • Access without authorization to any section of the Website, to other systems or networks connected to it, to any MOBBEEL server or to the services offered through the Website, by hacking or forgery, password mining or any other illegitimate means.
    • Breach, or attempt to breach, the security or authentication measures of the Website or any network connected to the Website, or the security or protection measures inherent in the content offered on the Website.
    • Take any action that causes disproportionate or unnecessary load on the infrastructure of the Website or MOBBEEL´s systems or networks, as well as on the systems and networks connected to the Website; or
    • Hinder the normal development of an event, competition, promotion or any other activity available through the Website or any of tis functionalities, either by altering or attempting to alter, illegally or in any other way, the access, participation or operation of the same, or by falsifying the results of the same and/or using fraudulent participation methods, by any procedure, and/or through any practice that violates or infringes this Legal Notice.

    Similarly, the Website includes links to MOBBEEL’s social media profiles, where users can comment and post content.

    In this regard, we inform you that when the user participates in any of MOBBEEL´S social media profiles, the rest of the users will be able to access and use all the content published by the user. MOBBEEL cannot control how other users manage such content and, therefore, is not responsible for it.

    Please note that MOBBEEL does not control in advance the content posted by users on their profiles on social networks, and therefore it assumes no responsibility or for these contents. However, MOBBEEL reserves the right to monitor and/or moderate any content posted by users and, if any of these violate the provisions of this Legal Notice or the Privacy Policy, to edit or delete it.

    Likewise, if you find any information or content on the Website that may be unsuitable, contrary to current legislation or contrary to the conditions set out on the Website, please inform MOBBEEL immediately through the various means provided for this purpose.

    In particular, it is strictly forbidden to publish contents that:

    • May be considered as an infringement in any way of the fundamental rights to honor, personal and family privacy or self-image of third parties and, especially, of minors, or infringement of any other fundamental rights and freedoms;
    • Include or link to photographs that contain images or personal data of third parties without having obtained the appropriate consent of the relevant individuals;
    • Infringe the secrecy of communications, intellectual and industrial property rights or applicable personal data protection laws and regulations;
    • Contain any materials or information that are unlawful, racist, obscene, pornographic, abusive, defamatory, deceptive, fraudulent or in any way contrary to morality or public order;
    • Contain spam and/or links to sites unrelated to the corresponding space;
    • Include advertising or commercial communications, for the emission of messages for advertising purposes or for the collection of data for the same purpose. 

    The breach by the User of any of these terms of use may lead to the adoption by MOBBEEL of appropriate measures as established by law and in the exercise of its rights or obligations, and may even prevent access to the Website or the possibility of participating in the spaces provided therein to users who fail to comply with these conditions, without the possibility of any compensation for the damages caused.


    7. Responsibilities and warranties

    MOBBEEL cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness, timeliness or accuracy of absolutely all information and/or services on the Website.

    Consequently, MOBBEEL does not guarantee and is not responsible or liable for:

    1. the continuity of the contents and services on the Website;
    2. the absence of errors and mistakes in such content;
    3. the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on the Website or on the server that supplies it;
    4. the invulnerability of the Website and/or the impossibility of violating the security measures adopted therein;
    5. the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents on the Website; and
    6. damages caused, to himself/herself or to a third party, by any person who violates the terms and conditions, rules and instructions that MOBBEEL establishes in relation to the Website or through the violation of its security systems.

    However, MOBBEEL declares that it has taken all necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of the art, to ensure the operation of the Website and minimize system errors from a technical point of view, as well as regarding the contents published on the Website.

    MOBBEEL does not guarantee the legality reliability or usefulness of the content provided by third parties through the Website. If the User becomes aware of the existence of any content that is illicit, illegal, contrary to the law, or that could infringe the rights of third parties, he/she must notify MOBBEEL immediately so that it can proceed to adopt the appropriate measures.

    MOBBEEL shall not be responsible for the accuracy, completeness or updating of the information published on the Website from external sources( external news, reports form external professionals, etc.) nor for that contained in other platforms to which links are provided from the Website. MOBBEEL shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from the use of the aforementioned information.

    If the User becomes aware of the publication of any inaccurate, outdated or false information or the existence of any illicit or unlawful content, or that is contrary to the law or that could involve an infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights or the applicable laws and regulations on personal data protection and/or any other right, he/she must immediately notify MOBBEEL so that it can proceed to the adoption of appropriate measures.

    MOBBEEL shall not be liable for causes beyond its control, including but not limited to: force majeure, Internet access problems, technological problems beyond the diligent and reasonable control of MOBBEEL, actions or omissions of third parties, etc. In all of the aforementioned cases, beyond the control and due diligence of MOBBEEL, MOBBEEL shall not be liable to compensate the User for damages or losses, to the extent permitted by legislation in force.


    8. Privacy and cookies policy  

    In accordance with the provisions of current and applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, all personal data provided during the use of the Website will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy that all users must expressly accept in order to use and register in certain sections of the Website.

    Any user who accepts this legal notice, accepts our Privacy Policy in an informed, express and unequivocal manner, being able to exercise the rights that correspond to him/her in this matter, as informed in the same.

    Likewise, the user is informed that MOBBEEL accesses information on their browsing habits and on their use of the Website in accordance with that indicated in the Cookies Policy.


    9. Null and void clauses 

    If any clause included in this Legal Notice is declared totally or partially null or void, such nullity shall only affect such provision or the part of it that is null or void, remaining his Legal Notice in everything else, and being such provision considered totally or partially as not included.


    10. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

    The provisions of this Legal Notice are governed by Spanish law.

    MOBBEEL and the Users submit to the Courts of the city of Madrid for the resolution of conflicts which could arise from the interpretation and application of this Legal Notice, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction, unless otherwise provided by law.

    To file complaints about the use of our services, you can contact us by mail at the email or physical address indicated at the beginning. MOBBEEL undertakes to always seek an amicable solution in case of dispute.




    Last update:  7 june, 2021.

    © Mobbeel 2009-2021. All rights reserved.


    Cookies policy summary

    We use first-party and third-party cookies to make our website work, analyse how users use the website in order to improve our services and create a profile of your browsing and content viewed in order to show you personalised advertising. Find out more by reading our Cookies policy.

    Reject cookies

    What is a cookie?

    Cookies are files sent from a web server that obtain information from users’ devices, for example, about their preferences and browsing patterns.

    Cookies are essential for the functioning of the Internet, as they offer technical solutions that allow the user to browse the different websites; they cannot damage the user’s equipment/device and can be used to identify and resolve possible errors in the functioning of the Website. They may also be used for advertising or analytical purposes.

    Use of cookies by Mobbeel

    Specifically, MOBBEEL uses its own cookies generated directly by this domain and third-party cookies generated from other websites outside MOBBEEL, belonging to third party companies, for the specific purposes described below. If in the future MOBBEEL uses other cookies for the purpose of providing more and better services, the user will be informed of this.